Happy New Year
Wishing you all a beautiful new year full of love, peace, health, and friendship! Reflecting back on this year and the ever looming questions. What have I achieved this year? What failures and successes did I face? What did I learn? What can I keep the same? What can I change? I am still working on the answers and looking back at my year. Connecting the dots, questioning, analyzing, and wondering if 2015 was a year to be remembered or one to file away and forget? Looking at the world around me and the terrible news from all over the planet, my feeling is humanity has reached an all time low. Yet, when I delve deeper, I understand ,that with all the death, mayhem, and destruction around me, there is a balance of love, charity, helping hands, and people willing to support others with no questions asked. I am blessed with family that I love and loves me, with friendships that have lasted the test of time and distance, a bountiful life full of more then I wil...