Dose of Reality

As I have previously hinted at, marriage is a journey, shared by two, or so we all think. It's actually shared by a crowd!

On the day I got married one piece of advise my mom gave me, was "its a good thing you will begin your marriage far away from your family and his family, you need time to figure out this marriage thing before everyone else gets involved." She was absolutely spot-on.

I did start my marriage far away from both sets of families and it has remained that way for the duration. We  have made an attempt to figure out this "marriage thing", and I can honestly state, that we both do not have many answers, or a formula, or a magic potion to impart.

The more married I stay the less I know about what works and what doesn't. All I know for sure, is that all the preconceived notions I had of marriage are all wrong, all the do's and dont's I had are all gone, all the beliefs of love and passion are different, and all the needs and wants are transformed.

The first ever dose of reality, came early on in my marriage. Just after the honeymoon, we settled into our new home (actually I just moved into his place).  I found a job, which turned out to have long working hours, figuring out the management of a home that included a husband was challenging to say the least.

They say a way to a man's heart is through his stomach! I took that literally and I  wanted to make him a home cooked meal every night. By the time I did that (I was not a natural cook) and washed up, and maybe did a load of laundry, it was past 10pm. Living in a part of the world where home help is easily available, I thought it's a no brainer to get a lovely lady once a week to come in and help with the cleaning. My husband of course had a whole other idea on the subject. This conversation alone lasted 3 months!

Here is what I have learned: marriage is full of doses of reality (more on the subject later), if you want something bad enough 3 months is worth it!


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