Maktoob - Written?

I guess it's time I use my heritage for a blog. 

In the Arabic language we have beautiful words with deep meanings. It is a rich language full of poetry with multiple explanations. The Arabic language, if you are well versed in it, can take you on a sublime journey. Sadly, you will get none of that here. I am neither a linguist nor have I learned enough Arabic  to be able to appreciate all it has to offer.

Maktoob, means a letter we send to someone or as I intend it in this blog, it means it is written. Written for us, as our destiny.

The last few months have brought me sad news of parents lost and family members passing on with unexpected speed. Having lost my mother a few years ago, I can feel deeply with my dear friends who have had to grapple with the devastation. Trying to make sense of a loved one being perfectly healthy and in what feels like a blink of an eye to have to say good bye. Questioning the essence of life. The why has this happened? Did we miss the signs?

As in everything in life, when an event occurs that is unexpected, good or bad, we cannot help but wonder did I make this happen? Was it meant to be?

Have you ever won the lottery? Received an unexpected windfall? Caught an illness early enough to be fully cured? Stumbled on an opportunity by being in the right place at the right time? Heard of a calamity in a city that you have just left? Saw a car crash right behind you that you have missed by seconds? Had a natural disaster miss your home by a kilometer?

What thoughts went through your head then? Is it luck? Fate? Energy? The universe?

The discussion I have had through the years, with my oldest dearest friend of 40 years (ahem yes 40), is that there is no such thing as fate. I disagree with her viewpoint and we go back and forth on who is right and who is wrong? But are either of us right? Are either of us wrong?

Think back to a simpler younger you. You probably grew up with some form of religion or spiritual teachings. You were taught that the universe was created by a higher being, that we are all here to fulfill a goal. Possibly you were told that your path has been laid for you. As you got older, you made your conclusions and decisions about all of it.

My life has been an interesting one. It is not your typical existence. Born in a country not my own, lived there for only six months, as the government was overthrown and a dictator took power. Went back to my country of citizenship only to leave at the age of nine due to a war.

A nomad for most of my life, I have had to ask the question of myself, is it fate or am I in control of what happens to me? Is my life under my command or am I just blown along where my destiny is taking me?

Time and time again I have had life experiences that have thrown me off my course. Time and time again I have had to wonder if this higher being was not sending me a message. Time and time again I have had no explanation to the why in my circumstances.

The major car accident I had the day before I moved away from my family for good, the police and ambulance personnel could not believe I was not injured. Was it a message to let me know, it is my time to move on? The rare degenerative disease that over took my mother, why her? The long path I took to have my second child, was it not my time before then? The amazing position I got at a well known company with zero relevant experience, why choose me?

On the flip side of that, my life has also been full of calculated decisions, made with deep thought and hard work. The career I chose that no one thought feasible or successful, moving continents to pursue said career, with tremendous achievement, marrying my husband and building a happy home, expanding my horizons to include multiple moves and adventures. The list goes on.

There are many views on the fate or free will debate. Religion will tell us it is written and it is our fate. Your life is determined for you at birth and you will live what your destiny says. Psychologists are split among those that believe we are a product of our genes and history and those that believe we are free beings able to control our life every step of the way. The philosophers through the ages have all debated this question to differing results.

I have to admit I stand somewhere in the middle. Not only through my own life experiences, but by also observing and understanding the world around me after the few decades I have existed. Humanity is based on circumstance and the context of where you were born. Affluence, poverty, famine, opportunity, war, developed, well you know what I mean. If my life had begun somewhere else or under other circumstances would I be where I am today?

Here is what I have learned: I read this quote recently "life is a compromise between fate and free will". If I lived my life fully in fate, then I put my hands up and wait for life to happen to me. If I lived my life fully in free will I can never read the opportunities brought my way through fate. I am a believer that we have free will to choose what fate brings our way, we need to be open to what is "maktoob" in order to live our best life.


  1. Very well put. I don't admire the Americans in many ways except in one. They are strong believers that 'Luck favors those who are prepared'. I think destiny and luck go hand in hand, so I completely agree with your point of view - when luck shows us the options, it is our free will to chose which make our 'maktoob'.


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