Why Do We Do It?
I have volunteered in my children's life as far as I can remember. I have been the mom that bakes for the bake sale or party, the mom that reads to the kids and with the kids, the mom that organizes Christmas and Easter celebrations, the mom that brings new ideas to the school and makes them happen, the mom that helps the teacher when needed, the mom that wants to be involved in her kids lives and be around their school. Volunteering as the word denotes, is something you do for free and because you really really want to. It is something you are willing to give to the community for the love of the act. We all have our reasons for wanting to give our time and effort. We want to be part of a community, we want to give back, we want to make a difference. I do it because it allows me a glimpse of what my children do at school and it gives me the satisfaction of doing that within my comfort zone. I love watching the kids interaction and seeing how they blossom thr...