
Showing posts from August, 2019

What Do I Tell My Daughter? What Do You?

August is my baby girl's birthday month. She has always been a feisty determined little girl. With each passing year, she has become more focused and less scattered. She is still feisty (may that never change) and she knows what she wants. From day one that she magically appeared in our life (isn't every child's birth magical?).I knew that she would bring some star dust to our home. She has the capacity to make any situation more entertaining and add a touch of her own personality to almost anything. She has a beautiful heart and a wise old soul. I am amazed at how this little girl understands the subtlety's of human emotions. She feels others loneliness, she understands pain, she grasps feelings, she can read people way better then I ever did, at even a much older age. We watch animated movies, she cries intensely, even in the happy scenes. In the Grinch that Stole Christmas she could not stop crying, she acknowledged the Grinch rejection and exclusion. In T...