Who Did You Want To Be?
The other day, as I sat reflecting on my life, which I seem to do every year around the time the new school year begins. In other words, September! I thought about all I wanted to do and be when I was 16 (my son's age now). I thought back to all the day dreaming I did, and all the ideas I had. I did a mini audit in my head. How many of these dreams became a reality? How many I am glad never did? How many I still hold in my heart as a "maybe one day"? On most days, I am content with my lot in life, never looking back in regret, nor wishing I was somewhere else doing something else. Now that my children are older, and I feel I have time to pursue my own interests and discover new hobbies. I occasionally wonder what more I could have done and been. Do we all fall into our lives? Do we determinedly stride forward knowing exactly what we want and seek it? Do we start out in one direction and end up somewhere else? Even better then we envisioned? How many people do ...