Neutral. Why?
As a family encourager, I encourage and support all types of families. In all shades, shapes, and sizes. In today's world, any family unit that lives under the same roof looking after each other is a beautiful thing. Even if I do not agree with the choices people make to become that family, I still encourage all types of families. Nuclear family, blended family, step family, grandparent family, single parent family, childless family, same sex family, adoptive family, the list is endless in family structures. It is also my belief that diversity and differences make our world a tapestry of freedoms and understanding. In our family, we raise our two children to respect all religions, skin color, and cultures. Our children have friends from all around the globe, their social circle looks like the United Nations, where all nationalities are welcome. We celebrate with those friends, their many festivals and religious holidays. We accept all their multifaceted lives, that ...