The Family You Choose
No family encourager blog will be complete without dedicating one or more entries to the family I have chosen. The family we are born into, is ours to have, like it or not! (That could probably fill a few months worth of writing!) Lucky for you, today I am not writing about that! My friends are my tribe, my team, my pack, the people that carry me through life. I hear soul mate bandied around all the time. I always wonder what that means? The definition of soul mate is "a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner". The truth is that your soul mate does not have to be a romantic partner, it could easily be a soul sister or brother. Yes, I have male friends that have been especially extraordinary in my life. I have been blessed in my life, that wherever the world has taken me, I have met amazing hearts that have made my new journey worth it and that balanced the "new place" feeling with an "at home" feeling. H...