Judge not, Lest ye be judged
I normally do not quote the bible, but I found this as fitting my topic today. "Judge not, lest ye be judged". I do not know about all mothers, but I do know myself and those mothers in my life, and I know that from day one of finding out we are with child, guilt finds a home in our psyche. We feel guilty about what we are eating, drinking, what activity we are pursuing, amount of sleep, even down to the quality of the air we are breathing. It is a time when soon to be moms need all the support they can garner. They are entering the land of the unknown. A place of wonder, joy, fear, anxiety, endless love, terror, amazement. They are going to feel clumsy, unfit, unqualified, hopeless, and total failures on varied occasions in the first few months of motherhood. Do these poor lost souls need further criticism and judgment from experienced moms? The answer is an unequivocal "No", yet that is what too often happens. This judgment continues forevermore. ...