
Showing posts from February, 2016

She said... He understood what?

By popular demand, I have been asked to tackle the issue of marital "communication"(or lack of), depending who you talk to. For all you newly weds, or in the first throes of a relationship, stop reading now! For all you old marrieds, most of you will know what I am talking about, and you are probably wincing now. Thinking; is she crazy? I have been married long enough to know that men and women speak a different language, but not long enough to understand all the male dialect. Will that ever happen, you ask? Maybe, maybe not. Having lived a life full of movement and change, I have met a multitude of fascinating ladies, of different ages and cultures. It has been eye opening and adventurous, learning how they met their significant other, how their life had developed through the years, and the beauty and the annoyances of a partnered life. Yes, male species of the human kind, women share their stories, that is why we live longer! We all came down this path in...