Peace on Earth
The holiday season for our family is December! We celebrate Christmas in all its true sense. To be honest, the tree will go up in November, and gift buying and hiding them, will start anywhere in October onwards. The parties, the baking, the gatherings, the caroling, the continuous action will go on for a whole month! We love the Festive Season for reasons we probably cannot articulate. Including love of family, friendships, spreading cheer, meeting old and new friends, making more effort for charity and unity, the food, yummy yummy food, church celebrations, gatherings of all sorts, ugly holiday sweaters, and even that weird relative you see only once a year. The whole package is all special and unique! I cannot explain it, but while I moan every year about everything that needs to get done for the holidays, I love every second of it! This holiday season, I am reminding my children of their blessings even more then years past. We live in a region of conflict and st...