
Showing posts from November, 2017

Holding Back Time or Just Holding On?

Fifty years ago, being a 50 year old woman, meant you were counted as an old person. Fast forward to today, and 50 is the new 30! For the sake of this topic and because I am a mid age female, living this truth, I will discuss the woman's point of view. Sorry guys, you are going to have to find yourself somewhere in my writing. Aging is not a choice! Everyday if I look in the mirror I could find a new wrinkle, new line, new sag, new white hair, new jelly wobble, new reason to hate getting older. It's good I don't look in the mirror very often! How you age is a choice.  Outward appearances will change, it's a fact. Until the fountain of youth is discovered, as you get over a certain decade your body becomes unrecognizable. You wake up one day and think "who is this person staring back at me?" On the inside I feel like I am still 25! My spirit feels young and beautiful. The beauty industry in the last 20 years has metamorphosed from enhancing y...